Locked And Loaded? Breaking Down Whether A Tow Truck Can Tow Your Car Without Keys

Tow Truck Author

By Tow Truck Driver

We've all been there – the sinking feeling when you realize you've locked your keys in the car.​ It's frustrating, it's inconvenient, and it can leave you wondering if your car can even be towed without the keys.​ Well, fear not, because today we're here to break down the answer to that very question.​

Now, you might assume that a tow truck would need keys to move your car.​ After all, how else could they steer it, or unlock the transmission? But here's the thing – tow truck operators are experts at what they do, and they have ways around this problem.​

One method that tow truck operators use is called “dollies.​” These are small wheeled carts that are placed under the front or back wheels of your car, depending on if it's front-wheel-drive or rear-wheel-drive.​ The dollies allow the tow truck operator to lift and move your car without needing the keys.​ Clever, right?

Another method that tow truck operators can use is called a “.​” This is a type of tow truck that has a large, flat platform on the back.​ Your car is loaded onto the flatbed and secured in place, and then the entire platform is lifted and tilted, allowing the tow truck to transport your car without needing the keys.​

So, in short, the answer is yes – a tow truck can absolutely tow your car without keys.​ In fact, they have several ingenious methods at their disposal to make it happen.​ So the next time you find yourself in a sticky situation with locked keys, take comfort in the fact that a tow truck will still be able to come to your rescue.​

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Expanding on the Topic

What Happens When Your Car is Towed without Keys?

When your car is towed without keys, you may be wondering what happens to your vehicle.​ Will it be damaged? Will it still be secure? Well, rest assured, tow truck operators take great care to ensure that your car is safe and secure during the process.​

Firstly, when dollies are used to tow your car, they are placed under the wheels in a way that minimizes any potential damage.​ The tow truck operator will carefully position the dollies so that they are evenly distributed and provide the necessary support for your car's weight.​

Secondly, when a flatbed is used to tow your car, the entire platform is designed to safely transport vehicles.​ The flat surface of the bed provides a secure and stable base for your car, minimizing the risk of any damage during transit.​ Additionally, straps and other securing mechanisms are used to ensure that your car remains in place throughout the journey.​

At the end of the day, tow truck operators are professionals who are trained and experienced in towing vehicles without keys.​ They understand the intricacies and potential risks involved, and take all necessary precautions to ensure a safe and damage-free towing process.​

How to Handle a Lockout Situation

Getting locked out of your car can be a stressful experience, but there are steps you can take to handle the situation effectively.​

tow truck
Firstly, try to remain calm and assess your options.​ Is there a spare key that you can access? Is there a locksmith nearby who can help?

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If you're unable to find a spare key or access a locksmith, it's time to call a tow truck for assistance.​ Contact a reputable towing company and explain your situation.​ They will be able to dispatch a tow truck equipped with the necessary tools and expertise to help you out.​

Remember, it's important to choose a reliable and trustworthy towing company.​ Look for one that has a good and positive customer reviews.​ This will ensure that you receive professional and reliable service during your time of need.​

Preventing Future Lockouts

While getting locked out of your car is never a pleasant experience, there are steps you can take to prevent it from happening again in the future.​ Firstly, always make sure to have a spare key on hand.​ This could be kept in your wallet, purse, or with a trusted friend or family member.​

Secondly, consider investing in a keyless entry system for your car.​ These systems allow you to unlock your car without needing a physical key, reducing the risk of lockouts.​ Many newer vehicles come equipped with keyless entry capabilities, but aftermarket kits are also available for older vehicles.​

Lastly, it's always a good idea to keep the contact information for a reputable towing company on hand.​ You never know when you may need their services, and having their information readily available can save you time and stress in an already frustrating situation.​


Q: Can a tow truck tow a car with a flat tire?

A: Yes, a tow truck can tow a car with a flat tire.​ In fact, many tow trucks are equipped with the tools necessary to assist with changing a flat tire if needed.​

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Q: Can a tow truck tow a car with a broken axle?

A: Yes, a tow truck can tow a car with a broken axle.​ However, it's important to note that towing a car with a broken axle can cause further damage if not done properly.​ It's best to consult with a professional tow truck operator in this situation.​

Q: Can a tow truck tow a car in a parking garage?

A: Yes, a tow truck can tow a car in a parking garage.​ However, it may require the use of a specialized tow truck that is designed to navigate tight spaces.​ It's important to notify the towing company of the location and circumstances beforehand to ensure a smooth and efficient process.​

Q: Can a tow truck tow a car without wheels?

A: Yes, a tow truck can tow a car without wheels.​ Specialized tow trucks known as “rollback” or “” trucks are used in these situations.​ These trucks have a flatbed or lifting mechanism that can securely transport a car without wheels.​

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